


Presidential Losers.

Earlier this year, Austin-based writer/director Shannon McCormick hit on a novel idea to promote a theater festival about the American presidency. He invited 75 contemporary artists, cartoonists, and designers to each create a portrait of one of the losing contenders from each federal election dating back to 1800. This gallery of failure showcased some of the country’s biggest losers, stretching from John Adams’ feisty rematch against Thomas Jefferson to Mitt Romney’s defeat last week.

The resulting exhibition was a hit, but only reached a few hundred patrons in the Austin area. So McCormick launched a Kickstarter project to raise funds and gauge interest in publishing a book. Pledge a “Henry Clay” and the first edition will be landing in your mailbox just in time for Inauguration Day.

Hey, the Kickstarter tumblr picked up on us yesterday!

Presidential Losers keeps rolling, thankfully now with Mitt Romney included. Check out the Kickstarter and sign up for a book.

Source: http://kickstarter.tumblr.com/post/35742104524/presidential-losers-earlier-this-year


Here are two things. These are two of the things that are for sale in The Compound Gallery Online Art Shoppe. These two things would look simply stupendous adorning the somewhat bare walls of your otherwise sumptuous and well-appointed sitting room. You should buy them and hang them there. Then you could host a lavish soirée for your many influential and amusing friends and admirers. Your guests would quaff fine wines and nibble upon exotic, artisanal canapés while they admire these things and compliment you on your impeccable taste in contemporary art and your remarkable ‘eye for a bargain’. 

Just imagine that.

Things don’t get much better.

Source: http://t.umblr.com/redirect?z=http%3A%2F%2Fshoppe.thecompoundgallery.com%2F&t=MDU3MWMzMjZkYTM1OTk2Y2NmZDFkNDI1YzdlNGUxNzlkOGI0OTA3NCwzMzQ0MDAyMzExOA%3D%3D&b=t%3Ag6uQLLzEh29rEzuxFcGjvw&p=http%3A%2F%2Fdavidfullarton.tumblr.com%2Fpost%2F33440023118%2Fhere-are-two-things-these-are-two-of-the-things&m=1