New Work, Now On Show.

Yes, sharp-eyed reader, that's the same title as the previous post. That's because, despite the fact it's almost two years since I last put anything up here, it's now time for another announcement of another solo show at the Compound Gallery.Here's some information in picture form:PostCard_backThat's right, there will be a spectacularly sumptuous opening this coming Saturday, August 17th 2019 from 6 - 9 pm to which you are invited, an invitation you would undoubtedly be foolish to decline. Sorry for the late notice. I obviously have issues posting to this platform for reasons that are unclear to me. Maybe it seems too much like work? I don't know. I'll try harder in the future.In the meantime, here are a few images of the kind of thing you might encounter adorning the esteemed walls of the Compound Gallery, should you choose to attend.I hope you will.organic_woes_loProPotter_loInstructions_loosteopath_lo